Knobview, which
only a few years ago was only a section house, the country around which was
sparsely settled and which was mostly wilderness, presents a very different
aspect today. An Italian settlement has taken charge and all around, everything
looks prosperous. Nice homes are to be seen in all directions, a fine church has
been erected and two flourishing stores are being run. Peter Marchi has a well
stocked store and post office that would do credit to a larger place than
Knobview. Tony Piazza found business such that he is building a larger store for
himself. In addition to two stores, the Italians have a cheese factory and a
canning factory. The cheese was named by Archbishop Glennon as "The Flower of
the Ozark". The Italians are all taking an interest in having their children
learn the English language, hence there is a flourishing school at Knobview,
being taught by Miss Louisa Kroner.
Last week a party composed of Capt. Steven Dellacella and wife and Miss
Gronholt, County Assessor C.R. Matlock, Tim Birmingham and Charles L. Woods
visited Knobview, where they were warmly welcomed and all were greatly pleased
with the attention that was shown them. Knobview and her people are a credit to
Phelps County.