St. James Journal - December 14, 1906

Dedication of the Catholic Church at Knobview on Sunday Last, Dec 9

    On Saturday last, Dec. 8, archbishop Glennon of St. Louis, arrived at Knobview on train No. 1, unaccompanied except that Father O'Laughlin, the young old man of the Ozarks, got on at Leasburg, where he has some church work under way. An informal procession formed immediately and the distinguished visitor was escorted to the residence of Father Leone, while the sweet-toned bell rang out a welcome. The afternoon and evening passed swiftly away in preparation for the morrow. As soon as darkness set in Chinese lanterns shone out through the two-acre grove surrounding the church.
    At 7 a.m. the next day, the sun rose brightly and the angelus bell rang out. At 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., Fathers Leone and O'Loughlin celebrated early masses. At 10 a.m. the dedication began. Archbishop Glennon performed the dedication ceremony himself, said the dedication mass and delivered the closing address and benediction of the blessed sacrament. Father O'Loughlin preached the dedication sermon, selecting as a text Gen. 28:17-"This is the house of God and gate of heaven". Fathers Leone and O'Loughlin aided throughout. Father Leone spoke in Italian. The choir of the Immaculate Conception Church of St. James rendered the liturgical music of the mass. The choir included Misses and Miss Kroner, Miss Bamber, Misses Hannefin, Patton and others. The St. James Band, Prof. Peters as leader, played several pieces outside and two or three soft, solemn selections inside the church.
    The building was filled to overflowing. The entire forenoon was ideally beautiful and the words of the archbishop and other speakers reverberated through the surrounding hills melodiously. The crowd lingered during the early afternoon and reluctantly bade good-bye to the archbishop as train No. 2 pulled in Sunday afternoon. He had previously made visits to the new canning factory of Marchi & Piazza and the cheese factory of Piazza & Co. and suggested certain new improvements that are likely to materialize in the not too distant future. The archbishop's visit has greatly encouraged the Knobview colony.


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